You may be wondering: where did the name of this blog come from? It is a line from a beautiful old hymn that speaks of the Christian life as a journey. The journey’s destination is Zion – heaven. If you grew up in a traditional black Baptist church like me, perhaps you know the song – Marching to Zion. The song takes for granted that all Christians understand the journey is never made alone, but in unison with other Christians (Christ followers).
Zion is depicted as a beautiful city filled with heavenly fields and golden streets. Along the way to that marvelous place, God graciously allows us to encounter places/situations where we find sacred sweets. I believe the sacred sweets are little-bitty scrumptious bits of heaven right here on earth. The song promises “a thousand sacred sweets”.
In the midst of a world that is very far removed from heaven, God gives me glimpses of pure delight, hilarious joy, soothing peace, intoxicating passion, realized hope, fulfilled purpose, contentment and much more through the sacred sweets He allows me to find. I have been blessed to have tasted thousands. Through this blog I hope to share some of them with you.
This is Peanut! |
A few of the scrumptious bits of heaven I enjoy right here: My darling husband who loves me sacrificially, unconditionally, and kindly; my three never-cease-to-amaze-me children; my Sunshine-the-clown sister and my sailor sister who are two of my best-est friends; my three brothers who treat me like a grown up; my mother-in-law who always tells it like it is; my dog Peanut; friends; a voice with which to make a joyful noise; snow days; prayer; herb tea; spring flowers; old time radio; lessons learned …. I could go on and on, but I’d like to hear about some of yours. Please share what tasty bits of heaven you've found in a comment to this post. Maybe we could make a list that would exceed a thousand if we kept it going.
Marching to Zion Text: Isaac Watts
Come, we that love the Lord,
and let our joys be known;
join in a song with sweet accord,
join in a song with sweet accord
and thus surround the throne,
and thus surround the throne.
We're marching to Zion,
beautiful, beautiful Zion;
we're marching upward to Zion,
the beautiful city of God.
The hill of Zion yields
a thousand sacred sweets
before we reach the heavenly fields,
before we reach the heavenly fields,
or walk the golden streets,
or walk the golden streets.
(If you need a refresher on what the tune sounds like, visit )
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